You have 5 years, 260 weeks to make this company a success. In this game, 1 second = 1 week.

Hire up to 8 employees to make them work.

Their productivity and morale will decrease over time, but you can give them a raise, or holidays to restore them. (they will be away for a few weeks for holidays).

You can also train them, but they will be away for a few weeks. However, training increases Skill, and skill increased the rentability of your employees.

The rentability is computed by {Productivity x Skill} for each employee.

Beware, if their morale is down to 0%, they will resign, blocking new employees

Also, the global morale of the company will impact the decrease rate of the employee morale, so keep it high !

Reach the highest capital in 5 years (260 seconds), and beware, don't go bankrupt!

A game made for Trijam with the theme "Employer", with Gummy and Mooss!

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